News 2020
December 28, 2020:
New videos of Mamacita (Jamming's MAMACITA) are in her Photo Gallery.
December 23, 2020:
December 4, 2020:
It is 4 years ago that Marvin (Caipirinha's LEE MARVIN) left to the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. A candle has been lit for him.
November 18, 2020:
Today at 2 p.m. Ula was cremated and I could go and pick up her urn in the evening to place her on the board in my memorial corner, directly besides Keanu with whom she gave me wonderful puppies. Another chapter of my life has ended now, and it will take quite a while until I can get over the pain.
November 15, 2020:
Today is a very black day. My so much loved Ula (Multi-Champ. Family Song's ULA) lost her desire to live at the age of 15 years, 9 months and 4 days - exactly 14 1/2 years after she had moved here. Since her gall bladder removal she never threw up, but yesterday evening she vomitted all her midday meal. For already three days she did not really want to eat and lost weight rather fast. So yesterday evening I had to make the hard decision to drive to my trustworthy vet on the next day to let her go. My heart breaks ...... Ula is among the Chinese Crested what Yazoo was for me among the Briards.
At 11:20 a.m. Ula fell asleep forever in my arms to make her way over the Rainbow Bridge. She does not only leave another big hole in my heart, but also an infinite emptiness. As a comfort I try to tell myself that she had a beautiful, long life filled with joy and love, and that I could have already lost her last year during or after the surgery. Du to our vet I could have her at my side for a bit more than one and a half year.
This is the last photo of my girl which I took prior to carrying into the vet clinic to let her go in peace.
Ula, you will remain unforgotten and have a very special place in my heart. Even though you are not longer physically with me, you will live on in your son Maverick and your granddaughter Hippie and join me through these two until one day we meet again. Thank you that I was allowed to join you for so many years, thank you for the luck, joy and love you gave me during all these years. As the founder of the Chinese Crested breeding Caipirinha's I give you big sincere thanks. Run free now with all the others from here. Let them know that I'll never forget them and that they will always be in my heart.
October 31, 2020:
Finally the weather allows that little Mamacita (Jamming's MAMACITA) can spend some time in the garden without getting wet up over the ears. And Hippie (Multi-Champ. von Shinbashi HIGH PROVOCATION) demeaned herself finally to toll around and about with the little one. A video is now in the Photo Gallery of Mamacita.
October 16, 2020:
The first two videos of Mamacita (Jamming's MAMACITA) are available in her Photo Gallery.
October 15, 2020:
Today the new family member moved in. Jamming's MAMACITA was flown by her breeder from Helsinki to Wien. A sweet little powderpuff female, very self-confident, outgoing, full of energy and a very promising show dog. Let's see if she matures the way she promises now.
Since a year I am searching for a second powderpuff for showing and mid of September it emerged September that a litter which was very interesting caught my eyes. Given that I know the breeders personally I got already a week after my inquiry the assurance for a puppy. I did not mind the gender, it should only be a powderpuff with show potential. Sincere thanks to Lella and Samu for their confidence in me and that they allow me to join this little mouse in the future.
I hope that I soon find the time to create her part in this homepage.
October 2020:
Lots of shows did not take place because of the corona restrictions or the borders wer closed for foreigners and we could not drive there
From May 1 to 4 Hippie (Multi-Champ. von Shinbashi HIGH PROVOCATION) and Maverick (Multi-Champ. Caipirinha's NEED 4SPEED) should have taken place at the international and national shows in Zadar/HR, and we had planned a short vaccation in Zaton with our friends Susi, Claudia and Sandy. The accommodation was already booked since end of December 2019; show cancelled. The weekend July 16/17 we wanted to participate in the international shows in Sarvar/Hu - show was cancelled. Hippie was entered to a three days international show and club show from 20 to 23 August which had already be postponed from April - we could not go because I had to be in home quarantine prior to a surgery.
For September 26/27, Hippie was entered to a two days national show in Zalaegerszeg/HU - the borders were closed. A weekend later Hippie was entered to the three days international show in Komarom/HU gemeldet - borders were still closed.
One single show weekend in June in Papa/HU was what he attended. Hippie only misses one CAC for the Hungarian and one CACIB for the International Beauty Champion. What a pity that this year turned out to be so bad. We hope that in 2021 it will be better.
Memorial Days:
As there are no special news because of the corona restrictions, this year I only list the birthdays and memorial days of my darling in one article. And like always candles have been lit if it was a memorial day.
October 20: birthday Steel
October 3: Keanu's birthday
September 23: first dying day of Naomi, second death-day of Voodoo
September 18: 7th birthday of Emily-Rose
July 9, 2020:
It's already two years ago that my precious little Steel (Champ. Silver Bluff STEEL KING LEGACY, SOM), the sire of my Caipirinha's M litter, left forever ...... and the pain about his loss has not changed. For him, too, a candle has been lit.
June 21, 2020:
Back from the first show weekend this year after lock down because of Corona. Hippie (Multi-Champ. von Shinbashi HIGHPROVOCATION) and I have been at the double CACIB show in Pápa/HU. On both days Hippie won the Champion class, and now has three of the four necessary CAC for the Hungarian Beauty Champion. One other great success of my youngest girl.
And then a big suprise: Memy (Multi-Champ. INCREDIBLE ME von Shinbashi) was awarded the title Hungarian Show Champion. Great! We got the diploma, for the cup we got a voucher and can pick it up at one of the next shows.
Unfortunately the weather did not play along, rain on both days and on the second day a heavy storm which caused some tents to be thoroughly shaken. But otherwise it was nice to meet some lovely friends again. The accommodation was perfect, a renovated old mill with friendly and helpful hosts, an extensive breakfast and stylishly furnished, comfortable rooms.
June 7, 2020:
Sterling (Champ. Daretobebares STERLING SILVER) is 14 years today. All the very best to the second oldest of the pack, who still is as fit as during all the years since she came here. May she be some more nice, healthy years at my side.
May 26, 2020:
It is the 9th birthday of Maverick (Multi-Champ. Caipirinha's NEED 4SPEED) and his three sibbling Tanner (Champ. Caipirinha's NUTBUSH CITY LIMIT) in Canada as well as Needy (Caipirinha's NEEDLESS 2SAY) and Toulouse (Caipirinha's NOTHING 2LOSE), who went to Germany. Herzlichen Glückwunsch to all the four, may the have many more years ahead of them and remain healthy forever. In my thoughts I am with the three which are not here; I hug them tightly.
Unfortunately I don't know where the two are who went to Germany to the same person. Toulouse was already placed when he was not even grown up. With Needy I assume that she has been dumped after she was out of breeding age (like it happened with her half-sister Minu two years ago). Regrettable for lots the contracts they signed is not worth the paper written on. I take all dogs back when they are not longer wanted, I have the preemptive right according to the contract, but there are many indivuals who don't care. I just hope that the two are doing fine and that they have a home where they are loved until the end of their lives.
May 21, 2020:
Today is the birthday of Voodoo (Champ. Family Song's VOODOO), the first Chinese Crested. He's missed daily since about two years
May 19, 2020:
Today the winter hair were cut off on Maverick (Multi-Champ. Caipirinha's NEED 4SPEED). He felt totally great afterwards and I had to take a video of his joy. This is now in his Photo Gallery (link underneath the photos).
May 15, 2020:
Today the P litter trio is three years. Happy Birthday to Prada (Caipirinha's PRADA PINK EDITION), Pagani (Caipirinha's PAGANI 2HOT 2HANDLE), wherever the two might be as I don't know if they are still where I gave them to in the meaning of a life long home. To Porsche (Caipirinha's PINK HOT PORSCHE) the wishes go to the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, where he went on May 18, 2018. For him a candle has been lit.
May 9, 2020:
Because of the Corona virus and the recommendation to wear face masks I ordered masks and had motives of my dogs printed on them:
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to enlarge click on the pictures |
above Hippie, below Keanu |
May 2, 2020:
Daily I think about my wonderful best boy who left forever totally unexpected two years ago. The pain will never go, the tears for him will never disappear. Keanu (Multi-Champ. Whisperingln' THE DEVILS ADVOCATE) only continues to live in my heart. Each and every day I am grateful for the joy, luck, the great puppies, ...... he brought me. The lit candle shall show him that he is unforgotten.
May 1, 2020:
A bright spot amongst all the sad memories: Today Hippie (Multi-Champ. HIGHPROVOCATION) celebrates her third birthday. The most heartfelt congratulation to this pretty, great girl, who brings joy to me day by day.
One more successful girl here who exactly a year ago gained her first Beauty Champion title at a five day marathon show, and then until beginning of October 2019 had four championships all in all. Of course we continue ...... when the situation about the Corona virus goes back to a "normal" direction. Let's see if we can manage what we intend to.
April 30, 2020:
There is a new video of Ula.
April 12, 2020:
March 21, 2020:
Today one of my most successful girls celebrates her 9th birthday: Memy (Multi-Champ. INCREDIBLE ME von Shinbashi). Heartfelt congratulations to this great representative of the breed, but mostly I wish her continuing healthiness and that I will be owned by her for many, many more years.
March 17, 2020:
A long desired parcel came by post today after a trip through the USA, from there to Germany and now to me: new Chinese Crested ceramic figurines being a compensation for the two which a so called American friend (Theresa Baldwin) stole from me after I had refused to send a dog, which I had imported from her, to an unreliable person in Sweden for breeding. In the meantime this person even sold these stolen figurines claiming (online) that they were hers.
Now I can finally put this disgusting matter aside and be pleased about two beautiful figurines. Lots of thanks to Yvonne Badoni for making them again for me and to Michaela Kidd for letting them be sent to her and take them with her at the occasion of her visit at her German family to finally send them to me. That is real friends! So here are the two figurines:
February 12, 2020:
And already time for the next birthday - Secret (Explicit's SINS AND SECRETS FOR CAIPIRINHA'S) is 8 years young. Best wishes to this precious girl. Also for her the wishes ar continuing healthiness and that she'll be here for many more years.
February 11, 2020:
Today is a big day for Ula (Multi-Champ. Family Song's ULA): she celebrates her 15th birthday. Despite her high age she is still lively, just a bit deaf, her eyesight minimizes and a slight dementia gives a signal.
Heartfelt congratulation to this great girl, who founded the Chinese Crested breeding in this home. After her gallbladder surgery nearly a year ago the main wishes for her are continuing healthiness and to be joined by her for a long time.
I think it is needless to mention that this sweetie is spoiled very much through all the day.
February 8, 2020:
It is the 8th birthday of Caipirinha's O litter. All the very best to all seven offspring. May they have many more healthy and nice years ahead of them.
January 24, 2020:
The 12th birthday of Jaris (HAPPY JARIS Dandy Mate) is celebrated today. All the best to my first powderpuff girl.
Januar 10, 2020:
It is 11 years ago that Caipirinha's L litter was born and 10 years for M litter. Happy Birthday to the 12 offspring from here ...... of course also to those who are already on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.
January 1, 2019:
The News 2018 have been moved to the Archives.