birthday Jebelle as eroded metal graphic and text on a concrete wall - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Mamacita and her recent success

litter add for the breeders of Mamacita

Jebelle look of watercolor painting - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

New Year greeting card for another kennel

Voodoo with Redfield plugin as New Year's greeting

Christmas card with gold leaf effect added on leather - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

greeting card with Redfield plugin for a friend

photo transformed into woodcut in memory of Ula - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

photo mosaic cube - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Jag & Jebelle as an exploding ice sculpture - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

photo in a shape

New York Times cover with own photo - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Underwater graphic effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Sky writing - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

in memory Steel in oil painting effect

Maverick double exposure photo effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

glass globe at the occasion of Sterling's 15th birthdac

oil painting effect with Art History Brush tool - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

powderpuff Chinese Crested "von Shinbashi JO MALONE" with effect from Fractalius plugin

"von Shinbashi JO MALONE" with water reflection

new logo for the own homepage

and for the second own homepage also a new logo

logo for the homepage of a friend

birthday card as stipple portrait illustration - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

in memory of Ula her face on a gold medallion coin - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

transformation of a photo into a Vincent Van Gogh style painting - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

antiqued a photo realistically - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

in memory of Keanu stipple portrait illustration - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

head graphic of Jag as a chocolate popsicle - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Yazoo in memory as Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

face on paper money - updated Tutorial Blue Lightning TV Update

shape filled with photo - Tutorial Photoshop Essentials

photo filled into a shape - Tutorial Photoshp Essentials

cave wall drawing in memory of Samson - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

texture blending of Jag photo - Tutorial Matt Kloskowski

graphic of Hippie's head made to realsistic latte art - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Graphic made to realistic Latte Art - in Memory of Keanu - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Billboard for a breeder

Photo of a Peruvian hairless as a granite statue

Granite statue from a Doberman photo

Granite statue from a photo of Jebelle - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Hippie photo reflection portrait effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

cobblestone street art from photos of Frizzy, Zabou, Oh-Lala - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

shattered text effect with shards of broken glass - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

shattered text effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

cobblestone street art from a photo - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

trxt portrait in memory of Courage

gigantic wormhole space effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Sándor in memory as a text portrait - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

emblem on starburst background - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

gold record and plaque with label - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

emblem logo

logo with dog head in letter

logo letter with dog

logo dogs in bottle

logo on outdoor billboard

logo on wall billboard

Logo on LED light billboard

roadside billboard

LED lights corner billboard with logo and text - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Zabou as layered vector shapes portrait - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Christmas Card Text with reflection and light effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

text and logo with tufted pillow effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Christmas card for kennel Jamming's - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Marble wall carved text & logo effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Snow globe

Snow globe - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Snow globe - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Snow globe - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

head Jebelle gold-leaf on background of gringe wall - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

gold-leaf text on leather book with light effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

kennel logo gold with text on icy glass with blured background - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

head Oh-Lala glass-stained in front of blured background - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Zabou head croped and placed in a letter - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Courage head croped and placed in a letter - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Ula in memory as a text portrait - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Ula in memory as a text portrait poster - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Ula in memory as a text portrait - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Marko glass block mosaic portrait - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Maverick's head transformed into stone - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

text with ice effect and reflection - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

croped Ula as vexel graphic in kind of oil painting - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

croped Ula as vexel graphic in kind of oil painting - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

croped Frizzy, Courage, Oh-Lala as vexel graphic in kind of oil painting - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

croped Voodoo as vexel graphic in kind of oil painting - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

own photo from Sep 2017 in Pont de Veyle/F deformed with Flexifly - before, afterwards

Hippie croped on new background with rippling water reflection - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

rippling water reflection with Jebelle & Jag Junior croped on new background - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

powerful metal text effect with explosive sparks - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Ula's face on paper money - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

monogram logo with color gradient on background with effects - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Frizzy picture in a picture optical illusion - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Hippie with effect from Fractalius plugin

Secret with effect from Fractalius plugin

shiny emblem with initials - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Maverick & Hippie as leather stamped logo - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Secret with realistic outside window reflection - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

photo puzzle Jag Junior & Jebelle - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Voodoo on metal plate with powerful fiery text - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Secret with reflection - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Steel as powerful iron emblem design worked out of bare metal texture - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

3D text with shadow and reflection into water - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Mamacita on a personal postage stamp - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Keanu half chalk, half photo on wall, perspective - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Maverick in camouflage effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Maverick in camouflage effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Hippie in camouflage effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Hippie in camouflage effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Hippie in camouflage effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Maverick in camouflage effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Maverick in camouflage effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Voodoo as pop-out effect from smartphone - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

croped Jebelle on complex surface - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

kennel logo Hippie & Maverick heads on complex surface - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

graphic and text on complex surface - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Gizmo as neon light - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Jebelle in the pool as pop-out effect from screen - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

wax seal with monogram and logos from heads of Maverick, Hippie & Jebelle - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

kennel logo as neon light - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Zabou as pencil drawing effect

dot mosaic portrait of Gizmo

text portrait poster Steel on background with carbon fiber effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Marko as photo mosaic poster - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

head of Jag Junior as overlapping photo strips with different colors - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

head of Jebelle with basket-weave effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

text portrait with Keanu photo - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

kennel logo on piano, perspective and with light effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

monogram logo with color gradient and drop shadow on background with effects - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

logo Hippie & Maverick heads burned in wood - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

glass glitter text with reflection, background color gradient shiny - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

metal plate design to manhole cover with own design - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

text on glass with raindrops - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

kennel name emblem logo in Jamaica colors, background in carbon fiber effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

kennel name emblem logo, background in carbon fiber effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

3D logo heads Maverick & Hippie, perspective and light effect

3D logo heads Maverick & Hippie, wood effect with shadow

3D logo heads Maverick & Hippie, wood effect

3D logo heads Maverick & Hippie, perspective and light effect

Jag Junior & Jebelle in popout effect from photo - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Voodoo & Italian Grey on wall, moved perspectively - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

head of Secret in mountain - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Hippie on darker wall, moved perspectively - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Hippie on wall, moved perspectively - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Keanu head in tree - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

kennel name with colorful letters out of different photos

Collage Jamming's Elektra

Collage flying carpet with Mamacita and her dam Bella

various photos of Hippie behind text

Hippie in a glass ball on blured background with 3D frame

World Winner Jamming's Extravaganza in glass ball on hand - photo credit hand with glass ball © 2006 LuckyStock on Devion Art

kennel name in neon text effect

logo Hippie & Maverick raised gold with drop shadow on granite plate

logo Hippie & Keanu heads with gold gradient effect and slight shine outside

Jag Junior & Jebelle photo cube on simple color gradient background

Hippie photo cube on simple color gradient background

head of Jebelle in slight 3D effect

Maverick & Hippie logo with slight 3D effect, color gradient and shadow

Maverick & Hippie heads as 3D logo with different colors, shadow and light effect

Doberman as gold statue - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

3D logo Hippie & Keanu heads with shadow and light effect

logo Hippie & Keanu heads gold on granite plate

logo Hippie & Keanu heads gold on wooden background

logo Hippie & Keanu heads first 3D try

logo in chrome with light effect - Tutorial Blue Lightning TV

Jag Junior in glass ball

Ula with reflection in glass ball

water on road with Steel swimming, water splashe, 3D frame

Jag & Jebelle croped with added water reflection

Hippie with pencil effect

Jag Junior on gold metalic background, gold text, sprinkles

Ula, Keanu, Maverick & Hippie croped on background with swirl effect, glass text

Jag Junior, Jebelle, Gizmo croped, added sun rays, frame with background integrated

Keaunu & Hippie croped and shadows reproduced

Jag behind window with raindrops and glassy 3D frame

playing with swirl effects

Jag Junior & Jebelle croped with copper text

Memy on gradient background with swirl and prism effect

Hippie on background with swirl effect and lofty style frame

Jabelle in glass ball and text with gradient

Jag Junior with double exposure

forest with Keanu overlay

Keanu with tree overlay

gradient text gold with shine and frame

collage with copper and gold text

collage with green gradient text

collage with different window frame

collage with window frame

collage with gold gradient text